The World's Funniest Dissertation

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Once upon a time there was a girl who loved comedy.

For whatever reason, she decided to try to get a PhD. in it.

Steph Diorio (that idiot who actually thinks someone will give her this PhD.) is a historian who likes to draw. In training to be an archivist at Pratt Institute (which means she’s working on her Master’s degree in library science), she majored in history and minored in Civil War Era Studies at Gettysburg College. When she’s not being a historian, she’s being a sportswriter and drawing really nerdy fanart and baseball cartoons.

She also writes two webcomics:

  • The Historians, a comic about a hapless historical society, is her ‘main project’ in comic terms, but if you’re here, you’re probably more interested in…
  • Comedian Heaven, which is about deceased comedians interacting and living with each other in the afterlife. The cast consists of most of Steph’s favorite people in the entire world.

For a list of all of Steph’s blogs and other internet things, go to her Tumblr here.


  1. Chinmaya says:

    A quick introduction from my end-Iam Chinmaya from Bangalore,India. The reason for my mail is that I understand that the “sons of the desert” are having their next convention at Hollywood and would want to know if you are attending it. You may check this for more details- .
    Incase you or anyone whom you know are,please let me know as there are somethings that i want to discuss regarding the same.My id Else,you may ignore this.

    Regards and best wishes,

    • Steph Diorio says:

      I wish I was, but I’m a broke graduate student on the other side of the country, so I won’t be making the Sons convention this year. There are plenty of people who are, though, so I’m sure you’ll be able to find someone who can answer any questions you have!

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